lesbian (L2)

Revision as of 21:48, 27 February 2024 by Superraptor (talk | contribs) (‎Added new Sense L2-S8 with [en] gloss: A person who is not a man who is sexually or romantically attracted to others who are not men.)
  • lesbian en
Language English
Lexical category noun



English A resident of, or an individual from, the Greek island of Lesbos.

Statements about L2-S1

English Wine from the Greek island of Lesbos.

Statements about L2-S2

English A girl or woman who engages in sexual activity with other girls or women.

Statements about L2-S3

A woman who is given to the practice of lesbianism; a female homosexual. (American English)
A woman sexually devoted to women... (American English)
English A girl or woman who is wholly or mostly sexually or romantically attracted to other girls or women.

Statements about L2-S4

A woman whose primary physical, emotional and/or spiritual attraction is to other women... (American English)
A female homosexual. (American English)
A woman whose enduring physical, romantic, emotional and/or spiritual attraction is to other women... (American English)
A woman whose enduring physical, romantic, emotional and/or spiritual attraction is to other women... (American English)
A woman who is attracted to other women. (American English)
A woman whose enduring physical, romantic and/or emotional attraction is to other women... (English)
English A person who identifies within a feminine or female gender area who is sexually or romantically attracted to others who identify with a feminine or female gender area.

Statements about L2-S5

English A non-human female animal who has sexual relations with other female animals of the same species.

Statements about L2-S6

English A person who is not a man who is sexually or romantically attracted to others who identify with a feminine or female gender area.

Statements about L2-S7

English A person who is not a man who is sexually or romantically attracted to others who are not men.

Statements about L2-S8


  • lesbian en

Statements about L2-F1

  • lesbians en

Statements about L2-F2