Project:Data Resources
Over the course of creating lgbtDB (and before creation of lgbtDB even started), many relevant resources have unfortunately been lost to time or only partially archived. This section is meant to act as somewhat of an obituary for those sources:
- GLBT Hall Of Fame
- Knowsy
- Lambda.Net
- LGBT Fans Deserve Better
- LGBTA Wiki
- Matt & Andrej Koymasky Home
- Pronoun Island
United States National Library of Medicine
Much of the data from PubMed is downloaded, formatted, and included as a result of select use of the Bio.Entrez package alongside a suite of scripts made available via GitHub (note the repository location may be updated in the future).
Each inclusion from PubMed is cited as such and is provided courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. It should be noted that inclusion of PubMed data on lgbtDB may not reflect the most current/accurate data available from NLM and the data herein should not be treated as such a record.
NLM does not provide legal advice regarding copyright, fair use, or other aspects of intellectual property rights. For non-U.S.-government works, we attempt to reproduce available copyright information to the best of our ability. We believe that the data included here is subject to fair use. The fair use statute in the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 allows the use of copyrighted material without permission for certain purposes, such as teaching, criticism, news reporting, and scholarship. lgbtDB is meant to only be used in these capacities, per its own license. However, if we receive takedown notices of any kind, content will immediately be removed, in compliance with Wikibase.Cloud policy.
Technical Restrictions
Some external identifiers include a hash symbol (#) in the URL (for example, P689, for Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Television Characters Page). Due to technical restrictions, it is not possible for these identifiers to resolve correctly in the current system. We have solved this consideration by utilizing the service. This service is used for the following identifiers:
Other Formats
It is planned to make lgbtDB available via standard ontology formats (`.obo`, `.ttl`, etc.) in the near future. Currently, this requires significant pipelining to be built. This will include a complete download and re-upload of lgbtDB before exporting it using the RDF Dump Format tool. Once dumped, other tools will be used to reformat and create timed releases. Check back here for updates on this process.